Expert-financial group "KONFIDENT "Ekaterinodar-Rielt"
Joint-Stock Company Expert-financial group "Konfident Ekaterinodar-Rielt (further EFG Konfident) was founded in November 1994; this structural organization was preceded with a nine-year experience of Joint-Stock Company Ekaterinodar-Rielt - one of the first enterprises in the market of appraisal in Krasnodar. Company name - Konfident fully reflects company specificity managerial services and operative appraise. The service is always bearing the individual character, executed according to appraisal standards and norms.
- tangible assets appraisal (buildings, constructions, drag-over skids, land, ground areas, ships, boats, airplanes, etc.);
- intangible assets appraisal (brands, know-how, licences, patents, intellectual property rights, etc.);
- financial consulting;
- management consulting;
- investment consulting;
- overestimation;
- consulting follow-up;
- legal entity registration
The most important component of successful work is clients trust, faith and confidence. Thats why Konfident is not only the company name, but also the company credo.
Kommunarov st. 217/a, Krasnodar, Russia 350020
about us
our credo
E-mail: konfident_er@rambler.ru